this is prove tt i'm at Bishan Mac xD hahas, sorry to those tt got captured with my lappy's webcam xP
kaboo-ie ppl ~ xD sorry for not updating x.x now at Bishan Mac with AK.actSHY aka Jasmine *grins* while waiting for sister number.3 ^^v hahas ~
&a shocking news to all ~ ii got a new bf -_- LOL fast right !? dont ask me why cos hahas ii also gt no answer to this question xP
wokays, so i've been going to sch&going out with my AKgroup xD hahas ~ or either he bring me go out on bike bike *grinns* bored now /= still thinking if ii wanna go for his friend's chalet later or not *yawns*
ohs&&he's like older than me by 7yrs x.x hahahas ~
okays ~ lazy type liaos x.x and my lappy's batt is dying soon so ii shall blog again once ii got a lil bit of mood =x
Tuesday, July 21
i'm worried bout the future. how would i face it ? what would happen ? can i handle it ? will my whole life come crushing down on me ? idk ..
all i cld do is wait and see .. hope .. hope for a miracle ..
but yet this fear it's haunting me ..
Friday, July 17
tired of life..
fk families la ! so gonna find a fking job asap and save money&move out of this fking hse !! *RARRS !!* nbcb ! since ii was never wanted anyway, since i'm always the fking blacksheep in the family, since i'm only causing trouble&stress to you, since i'm making you lose your fking face ! since i'm sucha burden then i shall grant your fking wish soon ! i rather hate this fking family than make myself sad cos it's broken since the beginning ~ FK FAMILIES ! FK RELATIONSHIPS ! FK LOVE ! FK BUSTARD GUYS ! FK MONEY TT SEEMS TO BE THE CAUSE FOR WARS ! FK LIFE !
*wokays, ii know alot of fk word for this post but no choice ~ *i'm fking pissed that ii feel like leaving this dam hse yet AGAIN !!* _l_
Tuesday, July 14
wayneGF&me {x
the ramen xD
aww ~ ningning's crying T_T
wayneGF&me again xD
after day2 of cosfest xD *pearlBBMEIMEII&me*
Saturday, July 11
xiaowaiwaii&lil alien turtle me. LOL bet he'd be shocked if he come my blog see *evilGRINS* okays ~ i'm gonna go prepare for my cosfest now {x
Friday, July 10
Monday* met up with Jasmine after sch at AMK for the first time ^^ nice girl but .. SMILE MORE GIRL !! {x hees ~ idk why but ii think ii keep talking tt day, or sld ii say i'm trying to wrack my brain to find topic *faints* till 6+ then send her off to mrt first&home ii go too ~
TUESDAY* met pearlBBmeimeii; reginA.iren; wayneGF, Yuki after sch to eat ramen at yishun xD *so it's like my sch area ^^v* GF came to fetch me first from sch *aww ~ i'm touched xD* hees ~ then went to the foodmart to wait for the rest to reach, Yuki was the first to reach ! {x yea yea ~ then Airen next but while going to the bus int to meet up with her guess what !? saw vinvinKORKORR !! xD korkorr was sickiie )x *takecare uhhs korkorr ~ so 5 of us went outside to smoke first while waiting for BBmeimeii @.@ =x *GF&me at the side; non smokers ya know !? LOL* &BBmeimeii finally reached !! ^^ then korkorr left lurs ~ went to the Japanese Foodcourt for the ramen
took photos first before ordering *&ii was dam hell hungry at tt time already* @.@ had a hard time deciding what to order and went for the char siew ramen in the end xD ii thought it was gonna be those kinda char siew you always see at chicken rice store tt's why ii hesitated to order but after seeing the first bowl ii straight away order x.x BBmeimeii; GF&me ordered the same, Airen ordered the mixed one, Yuki didnt order ramen ): &the ramen is OISHII !! xD
cam-whore again after eating *it's like a MUST each time we meet* XD then slacked at mac&continued to cam-whore then send GF off first went to foodmart to slack then went to find airen's friends BBmeimeii&me went off tgt after tt {x work for bbmeimeii&hm for me WED* met up with Jasmine&PearlBBmeimeii at Bishan mrt after sch {x was supposed to meet Effy, Regina, Yuki, Yuting too but all didnt turn up *of cos with reasons* only WayneGF came to meet us ^^ ate at KFC first then up Up UP to lvl9 {x love tt place cos of the music XD then went LJS slack while waiting for Shaan*sister no.3* =x went to YP there to talk and something happened *phone call* you girls&shaan&ii know can liaos ~ then send GF off first then send Jasmine off {x BBmeimeii, Shaan&me went to OrchardCentral to slack at the sofas there till 1030 then home we go {x THURS* stayed home&anime *skipped sch* was freaking pissed off the whole day !!!!!!!!!!! FRI* skipped sch again and i'm gonna start preparing to go yishun for ramen again xD woohooooooooo ~ xD
mummy came back home not long&she suddenly asked if korkorr or me got contact papa. ii told her tt papa stopped picking up our calls already&he'd only pick up when ii use the hse phone but once ii say hello then all would be quiet&after a few secs.. connection wld be disconnected .. ii cldnt look at mummy after telling her tt cos my eyes started being teary, ii miss papa ~ ii want papa back, ii havent even seen him this yr !! why must papa abandon us behind ?
ii keep rmbering mummy telling me papa only bought b'dea cake for me once, but tt was cos she asked him to ~ tt time ii was 3yrs old, infact .. ii dont think ii even have any photos taken with papa inside, but korkorr have so much ~ does papa dislike me so much ? what did i do ? after 3yrs old, papa left for cambodia ~ only coming back when ii reached 7yrs old but tt was when ii saw this man walking when ii end sch ii straight away called him papa ! for yrs in pri sch ii keep asking mama why papa isnt living with us ~ mama always avoided the question ..
ii only knew bout the whole family when ii was 17yrs old&tt's cos korkorr told me he didnt know tt ii know nuts bout the family. ii had no idea at all ~ being kept in the dark, it just seems like mama doesnt intend to let me know anything. ii know lotsa grieve inside mama cos ii started reading her diary since pri sch, it was a moment of curiosity tt made me feel the aches in her heart, the weight on her tt she had to live with for the sake of us her children. but yet i'd be so darn lazy to help her at times&turning a deaf ear to her ~
now ii just wanna find out more ~ why papa seem to hate me ? why papa's avoiding us ? why papa cld just have another family so easily ? why papa wont buy any cakey for me on my b'dea ? why ?
papa,Doko ni iru no?
Sunday, July 5
girls day out today@cine {x tt makes it twice in a week but i'm still gonna complain tt ii want more time with my girls !! =x oOps ~
okays, first up, the zhilian me la ! arbo then !? LOL
here comes the PearlBaobeiimeii&jiee of how many years !? hrmm ~ 5yrs&counting xD *ii can never forget how we once 'hated' each other* xD
and here's Mich.Boyfriend&me xD *we 'hated' each other too till sec4 then we just somehow clicked !* &now we're the Boyfriends ^^
now here's .. Airen&me; PearlBaobeiimeii,Boyfriend&me; Yuki&me xD
okays, i'm lazy to type so ownself figure out who's who =x i've already name them all on the top xD
soooooooooo ~ to all you girls.. WHEN'S THE NEXT MEETUP !? =x wahahahs xD
ILYall x33 &rmber, whatever ups&downs we're gonna face through the remaining path of our lifes, we're still connected through our hearts, do not hesitate to find a shoulder/listening ear from any of us kies ? * everybody agree o.O? *
Thursday, July 2
sentosa ytd ! yutingMyLady cldn't make it due to exams )x *dont sad kies* we shall plan for another outing at sentosa soon ! xD photos shall be uploaded asap once ii edit it x.x but not all though, all of it is on fb so anyone wanna see add me there yo ! ^^
thanks to benedictSISTER, michBF, pearlBBMEIMEII, reginaAIREN, wayneGF, yuki&zxKOR for making it ytd ~ &thank heavens tt it wasnt raining when we reached there x.x woohoo ~ sakae after tt *michBF&wayneGF left before tt* &OMFG la ! i ate so much the whole day ~ but who the hell cares when you're having fun yupps !? XD
chat&webcam with DUMB STUPID IDIOT XIAO WAI on msn, then started talking on the phone with him at around 4+ ii think till 7am then we went to slp x.x
sch's gonna start next week soooooooooooooo ~ i'm left with only 3 more days to sch @.@ &i'm into anime again and watching it on
girl's meet up on SAT !! those who can make it pls contacts one another kies ?
&ii have one good news today on msn, my sec sch partner is NOW BACK IN S'PORE TILL 24th !! *yeaness ~* which is none other then Dawn !! {x
been chatting with richard, xiaowai&ernest on msn these few days ever since my korkorr let me use the laptop for all ii want XD tt explains it if any of you see me online on msn till next morning ~ wahahahahas ~
i'm still thinking where to do my photoshoots&what to wear x.x any suggestions anyone ?
if your are asking how's my bf and me, we're still tgt but due to something, ii somehow seem to start avoiding him. my girls sld know *MyLady, will tell ya on sat* dont ask me what happen cos i'd auto tell those if need be.
ohs ! and lastly, i'm crazy over Super Junior !! cos there's one guy inside tt look&reminds me so much of Fated x.x he's the most charming guy ii ever knew ~ you dont get much guys in s'pore kneeing down and kissing your hand at the old MOS just cos he's gonna join back with his friends, and we used to be so close tt time, talking everynight till around 6-8 am which is when i'd fall asleep, or how bout the time he came all the way outside my hse just to console me after a breakup with my ex ? the rarity of this kinda guy is like close to extinction x.x here ~ see this mv.. he'd appear around 1:12-1:15