Friday, February 27
okays ~
just gonna be brief bout the past 2 days yupps ? {x
went underwater world on wed with jiji,
didnt get to go dolphin lagoon cos was too late already )x
sure took lotsa photos ! xD
photos could be seen at my facebook so go Go GO !!
went to eat happy meal with jiji cos he want the pokeballs,
in the end is ii keep -.-
thursday which is ytd,
went to dolphin lagoon !! xD
the sound tt the dolphin make dam KAWAII ! ~~~~~~~~~~~
not gonna type bout the later part -.-
but easiest to day is ii got seperated from jiji..
my phone&wallet was with him !!
lucky ii still got my ez link card with me -.-"
went all the way to his hse there to get it back.
lalalas ~
lil.devil got a new haircut today !!
wonder how he look like now /=
lalalas ~
just gonna be brief bout the past 2 days yupps ? {x
went underwater world on wed with jiji,
didnt get to go dolphin lagoon cos was too late already )x
sure took lotsa photos ! xD
photos could be seen at my facebook so go Go GO !!
went to eat happy meal with jiji cos he want the pokeballs,
in the end is ii keep -.-
thursday which is ytd,
went to dolphin lagoon !! xD
the sound tt the dolphin make dam KAWAII ! ~~~~~~~~~~~
not gonna type bout the later part -.-
but easiest to day is ii got seperated from jiji..
my phone&wallet was with him !!
lucky ii still got my ez link card with me -.-"
went all the way to his hse there to get it back.
lalalas ~
lil.devil got a new haircut today !!
wonder how he look like now /=
lalalas ~
Tuesday, February 24
1. Besides Ur lips,where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
- forehead >.<
2. How do u feel when u wake up this morning?
- ehhs .. ii woke up in the afternoon, hahas ~
3. Who was the last person u took photo with?
- lil.devil
4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
- yea =x
5. Would you ever donate blood?
- ehhs ~
if you put me to sleep first lurs x.X
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
- yea ~
7. Do u wan someone dead?
- ehhs ..
maybe =x
8. What does ur last text message says?
- 'talk more la.. call me now'
9. What are u thinking right now?
- where's mummy now /=
10. Do you wish someone to be with you right now?
- YES !!
11. What is the time you go to bed last night?
- 6+ AM this morning
Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
- ehhs ~
cant rmber
13. Is someone on ur mind right now?
- yea ..
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
- zax
10 people tagged to do this quiz
.1) pearl
2) zax
3) yuting
4) ron
5) wayne
6) david*my brother*
7) rooiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
8) arhbee
9) effy
10) benSISTER
15. Who is 2 having a relationship with?
- he's single
16. Is 3 a male or female?
- female
If 7 and 10 get tgt,would it be a good thing?
- hahas ~
idk XD
18. What is 1 studying about?-
- business
19. When was the last time u had a chat with them?
- ehhs ~ dunno .
20. Is 4 single?
- yea ~
21. Say something about number 2?
- ii just knew him 2weeks ago -.-
22. What do you think about 3 & 6 being tgt?
- hahas ! idk .. it'd be a surprise to see MyLady with my bro . LOL
23. Describe 9?
- hyper !! xD
24. What will you do if 6 n 7 fight?
- they dont know each other ~
25. Do you like 8?
ehhs ..
used to be crazily in love with him for like 2+ yrs ?
LOL, but we're close buddies now {x
- forehead >.<
2. How do u feel when u wake up this morning?
- ehhs .. ii woke up in the afternoon, hahas ~
3. Who was the last person u took photo with?
- lil.devil
4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
- yea =x
5. Would you ever donate blood?
- ehhs ~
if you put me to sleep first lurs x.X
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
- yea ~
7. Do u wan someone dead?
- ehhs ..
maybe =x
8. What does ur last text message says?
- 'talk more la.. call me now'
9. What are u thinking right now?
- where's mummy now /=
10. Do you wish someone to be with you right now?
- YES !!
11. What is the time you go to bed last night?
- 6+ AM this morning
Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
- ehhs ~
cant rmber
13. Is someone on ur mind right now?
- yea ..
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
- zax
10 people tagged to do this quiz
.1) pearl
2) zax
3) yuting
4) ron
5) wayne
6) david*my brother*
7) rooiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
8) arhbee
9) effy
10) benSISTER
15. Who is 2 having a relationship with?
- he's single
16. Is 3 a male or female?
- female
If 7 and 10 get tgt,would it be a good thing?
- hahas ~
idk XD
18. What is 1 studying about?-
- business
19. When was the last time u had a chat with them?
- ehhs ~ dunno .
20. Is 4 single?
- yea ~
21. Say something about number 2?
- ii just knew him 2weeks ago -.-
22. What do you think about 3 & 6 being tgt?
- hahas ! idk .. it'd be a surprise to see MyLady with my bro . LOL
23. Describe 9?
- hyper !! xD
24. What will you do if 6 n 7 fight?
- they dont know each other ~
25. Do you like 8?
ehhs ..
used to be crazily in love with him for like 2+ yrs ?
LOL, but we're close buddies now {x
ii got so much to update but i'm seriously feeling very lazy to =x
hahas ~
ii cant even rmber which day ii went out last week anymore -.-"
dam !!
ii got seriously S.T.M *stabs*
the only thing ii can rmber it's sunday ~
before tt went to bugis with qiqiMEI to have interview at hajilane,
&it turns out tt the shop is ron's sister shop -.-"
Zz ~
after tt trained to woodlands to meet up with ron.lilDEVIL ^^
hees ~
went to eat first then went to the bus interchange,
waited for afew mins before lil.devil noticed tt the last bus to night safari left already -.-"
WTH !!
so he went to withdraw money&off we go to get a cabby there ~
hahas XD
watched the tribal show *ii forgot the name lurs*
but it's seriously very nice {x
all the fire&the beat of the music !
then off we go to enter to night safari {x
watched the night safari show
dam cute la the animals {x
*KYAA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
then we went back to the entrance cos we needed a mappiie -.-
&off we go again xD
didn't take much photos cos we're not allowed to use flash,
if not would blind the animals /=
but managed to get afew though ^^
*waiting for lil.devil to send me then i'd update with photos alright ?*
hahas ~
we finished walking by 9+
so i'm like "HUH !! SO FAST !?"
&we took a pic tgt xD
*waiting excitedly for him to send it to me*
hahas =x
then guess what ?
we were so bored and had nothing to do ..
thus ii asked him choose a number from 1-25
&he choose 15
then ii asked him choose red or green
then he choose red..
thus conclusion is ~
YCK !!
&yck got nth to do so we walked to amk..
there ii gave him 3 choices..
1: kPool
2: explore the whole of amk
3: walk ALL the way to town ~
guess what !?
he choose 3 !!
yea ~
how nice ..
so we precisely walked from amk to bishun
then ii took a wrong turn and we landed at upp serangoon -.-
then found our way to tpy at last.
then walked some highway which dont even have a path for us to walk ..
then walk towards bredall road? ii think
then to novena
then at kk woman's hospital there but in the end didnt walk to town
instead we turned and walked to lil india then to bugis -.-
power right ?
&let me tell you,
it's not normal walk lors !!!!!!!!!
it's like faster than brisk walk -.-"
freaking tiring lurs !!!!!
*you'd only realize it's super tiring when you suddenly walk slowly*
&my leg feels like it's gonna have cramp anytime when ii was on my bed -.-
lalalas ~
hahas ~
ii cant even rmber which day ii went out last week anymore -.-"
dam !!
ii got seriously S.T.M *stabs*
the only thing ii can rmber it's sunday ~
before tt went to bugis with qiqiMEI to have interview at hajilane,
&it turns out tt the shop is ron's sister shop -.-"
Zz ~
after tt trained to woodlands to meet up with ron.lilDEVIL ^^
hees ~
went to eat first then went to the bus interchange,
waited for afew mins before lil.devil noticed tt the last bus to night safari left already -.-"
WTH !!
so he went to withdraw money&off we go to get a cabby there ~
hahas XD
watched the tribal show *ii forgot the name lurs*
but it's seriously very nice {x
all the fire&the beat of the music !
then off we go to enter to night safari {x
watched the night safari show
dam cute la the animals {x
*KYAA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
then we went back to the entrance cos we needed a mappiie -.-
&off we go again xD
didn't take much photos cos we're not allowed to use flash,
if not would blind the animals /=
but managed to get afew though ^^
*waiting for lil.devil to send me then i'd update with photos alright ?*
hahas ~
we finished walking by 9+
so i'm like "HUH !! SO FAST !?"
&we took a pic tgt xD
*waiting excitedly for him to send it to me*
hahas =x
then guess what ?
we were so bored and had nothing to do ..
thus ii asked him choose a number from 1-25
&he choose 15
then ii asked him choose red or green
then he choose red..
thus conclusion is ~
YCK !!
&yck got nth to do so we walked to amk..
there ii gave him 3 choices..
1: kPool
2: explore the whole of amk
3: walk ALL the way to town ~
guess what !?
he choose 3 !!
yea ~
how nice ..
so we precisely walked from amk to bishun
then ii took a wrong turn and we landed at upp serangoon -.-
then found our way to tpy at last.
then walked some highway which dont even have a path for us to walk ..
then walk towards bredall road? ii think
then to novena
then at kk woman's hospital there but in the end didnt walk to town
instead we turned and walked to lil india then to bugis -.-
power right ?
&let me tell you,
it's not normal walk lors !!!!!!!!!
it's like faster than brisk walk -.-"
freaking tiring lurs !!!!!
*you'd only realize it's super tiring when you suddenly walk slowly*
&my leg feels like it's gonna have cramp anytime when ii was on my bed -.-
lalalas ~
Friday, February 20
didnt go see fishy fishy ytd ! )x
stupid jiji come my hse and do what ?
*grr ~
tt stupid jiji was watching soccer at 4am in the morning.
so around 530 end ii suppose -.-"
at night walked to main dover&hell did we eat ALOT !!
it's like eating 3-4 meals in one go la !!
okays, it is counted as 3-4 meals.
&all jiji paid again -.-"
and now he's BROKE !!
then went to basketball court see lincolnDI&pikachu play.
then jiji&me go swing swing challenge see who can swing higher ~
then didi come find me again,
then go coffeeshop.
jiji was precisely ROTTING there !
so jiji&me left and walked to blk5 there,
on music and all the way he's trying to make me show him jumpstyle -.-"
ii wont show him.
then walked to doverMRT,
he went off and ii walked home.
&guess what !?
*omfg!! i'm so gonna gain weight.. let me check how much ii put on ..*
ii put on another 2kg -.-"
FTW !!
okays ~
gonna go vivo just to buy my custard bun soon XD
stupid jiji come my hse and do what ?
*grr ~
tt stupid jiji was watching soccer at 4am in the morning.
so around 530 end ii suppose -.-"
at night walked to main dover&hell did we eat ALOT !!
it's like eating 3-4 meals in one go la !!
okays, it is counted as 3-4 meals.
&all jiji paid again -.-"
and now he's BROKE !!
then went to basketball court see lincolnDI&pikachu play.
then jiji&me go swing swing challenge see who can swing higher ~
then didi come find me again,
then go coffeeshop.
jiji was precisely ROTTING there !
so jiji&me left and walked to blk5 there,
on music and all the way he's trying to make me show him jumpstyle -.-"
ii wont show him.
then walked to doverMRT,
he went off and ii walked home.
&guess what !?
*omfg!! i'm so gonna gain weight.. let me check how much ii put on ..*
ii put on another 2kg -.-"
FTW !!
okays ~
gonna go vivo just to buy my custard bun soon XD
Tuesday, February 17
today went clementi.ITE in the morning first
for my Pastry&Baking interview ~
then headed home&prepare to meet trevorSISTER at dover mrt
then go macphersonITE tgt {x
catched up with those tt came to sch XD
the class seems so super duper small now /=
then jiji came to find me {x
wahahaas ~
we were like some shy retards lurs !! LOL
talking on the phone with each other even when we're just beside .
hahas !!
then tried to use jiji's lappy but no connection -.-"
then went back to e204&get my jackjack,
then headed to changi airport !!
ate popeye *the mashed potato is really nice* XD
then ate ice cream at Swensans !! XDD
jiji treat all the way ~
we walked around all 3 terminals *except for the budget one lurs*
hahas ~
tried to find all the gardens but realized it's only at the transit -.-"
went to see airplanes !! XD
hahas ~
so precisely the day is fun Fun FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN !!
going to underwater world on thursday with jiji ~
lalalas ..
jiji loves soft toys !!
Monday, February 16
supposed to be staying home since ii came home super late on V.Day.
but hahas ~
ron asked me out so of cos ii go la !! =x
went to prepare&headed to bugis.
accompanied him to buy
LG Renior !!
*ii wanted tt la !! nvm, shall get the money then buy*
then walked around,
went bugis street&ii bought 1 tee-shirt
hees ~
*i'm like left with $70-90 for the rest of the month* -.-
then went to the arcade&look around,
didn't know got street fighters 3D de lurs !!
ii was like WTH ~~~~~~~~~~~
then headed to mos burger XD
&as usual he's the one ordering mine too .
ate&talked lotsa things there for like 2hrs + o.O?
then walked to plaza sing,
bought 1 smart alex&1casturd bun *from bread talk obviously*
hahas ~
then guess what !?
we walk&walked .. *to directions tt we dont know it's leading to where*
for like 2-3 hrs !!
from plaza sing walk to MS, to river valley to tiong bahru
then to china town then to clarke quay .
*we're like so clever in walking la !!*
hahas ~
stopped at clarke quay cos tt time was like 11 ?
hahas ~
*&we talked all the way okays !! hahas*
so he send me to the bus stop&till my bus arrived before he left.
*isnt he just a pure gentlement ?*
hees ^^
sms-ed till ii reached home
&korkorr was using the laptop *i'd assume he's playing maple with it too*
V.Day ii went out in the end .
with TWINNIE !! ^^
*from my MDIS sch* [=
the day started out when ii expected myself to stay home&ROT !
in the end,
afternoon suddenly gab called my phone,
ii dint pick up,
then later qiqiMEI called,
ii too did not pick up /=
then later she sms me saying gab outside my hse want to pass me thing !!
ii was like in the end they went off first,WTF !!so i'm like wokay ..
but in the end didnt even go out my room,
even though ii asked bro to open the door for Boyer&Gab to come in.
ii was much too speechless&dumb folded lurs !! x.x
*&ii fuckking feel so bad la*
then soon later twinnie reached my hse ! ! XDcabbed to town,
went far east&bought a boots there.
&put 12 blue extensions&1blonde {x
then went to wisma&bought 2 shorts&2choker XD
then went to eat at food republic.
headed to cine cos wanted to take neoneoos
but sooooooooooooo many couples -.-"
then went to heeren instead but dont even have neoprint shops !
wtf !!
so nvm,
at first lvl, bough a bouquet of flowers for her ^^
then took cab&headed to haji lane for sheeshaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~
qiqiMEI&kimberly&friends came after tt..
cabbed&send twinnie home first then headed home at 12 + midnight.
Saturday, February 14
okays, i'm like super bored at home again,
so here ii am wearing kimono&posing with the samurai sword xD

lollipops anyone ? =x

i know i know,
sibei zhilian right ? LOL

dont ask me wth i'm doing,
i'm just eefing bored at home !!

lovely hime xD
aww ~
makes me rmber ite days
cos Hime was give by sillyboy !! ^^

okays, ii admit i'm vain alrights -.-"

tt's all folks !! xD
it's only pictures today.
too bored lurs -.-"
&i'm gonna rot the whole day on valentine's day !!
but still..
Wednesday, February 11
i've made up my mind,
hees ~
ii just wanna be free now&doing stuffs without restrictions !
hope my wound hurry up heal then ii can do my hair,
get afew whole new set of clothes..
&SNAP i'd be a new me finally !!
effyGF said ii look so different !!
hahahas ~
*in facebook which are the photos just before this entry*
wonder when ron's free to go for our night safari trip !
XD cant wait lurs
i've just looked through the map if the place.
LOL *okays, kinda retard here* =x
hees ^^
the freaking dressing today sucks BIG TIME !!
the doc was stitching up the inner part
WITHOUT numbing it _l_
PAIN ya know !?
should have taken pain killers an hr before /=
gonna have my next dressing on fri *sceeschh ~*
wahahahas ~
i'm gonna shut love out from my life !!
hees ~
ii just wanna be free now&doing stuffs without restrictions !
hope my wound hurry up heal then ii can do my hair,
get afew whole new set of clothes..
&SNAP i'd be a new me finally !!
effyGF said ii look so different !!
hahahas ~
*in facebook which are the photos just before this entry*
wonder when ron's free to go for our night safari trip !
XD cant wait lurs
i've just looked through the map if the place.
LOL *okays, kinda retard here* =x
hees ^^
the freaking dressing today sucks BIG TIME !!
the doc was stitching up the inner part
WITHOUT numbing it _l_
shitty hell!
PAIN ya know !?
should have taken pain killers an hr before /=
gonna have my next dressing on fri *sceeschh ~*
ii miss my band !!
ii miss jamming !!
ii miss sheesha-ing!!
ii miss clubbing !!
ii miss PARA PARA !!
ii miss taking photos with my girls !!
ii miss my girl's huggs&kisses !!
ii miss pearl&yuting's seductive dance !! xD
ii miss playing pool with arhbee !!
ii miss the smiles from ron !!
ii miss the neoprints with qiqiMEI !!
ii miss the cute face of emilyLAOPO !!
ii miss the crazy ass dover peeps !!
ii miss the nights at west coast park with shawnKOR !!
ii miss the first haunted place tt arhbee&me went !!
ii miss the rebellious days ii used to have !!
wahahahas ~
&so much more ii miss ..
Tuesday, February 10
this is how bored ii am at home.
ii ain't even going out but cos of the boredom..
ii dressed up&doll myself up&cam-whore !! LOL
just get outta my blog if the pics disgust you yeah !?

with my hoodie on xD

the pics seems way too much but HEY !!
it just shows how boring it is at home =x
hahas ~
&ignore my previous post ..
guess ii was like too emo tt point in time xD
so yea ~
maybe it might happen, maybe it wont
I'm losing control over myself.
ii cant continue lying to myself anymore.
as much as ii try to be positive in front of him.
in the end, I'm only lying to myself.
I've always know if ii can get the guy ii love or not.
&this time..
it's impossible ~
he's so near yet so far from my grasp .
the pain from loving someone secretly.
I'm going insane.
ii can't be positive anymore,
this mask does not suit me.
each time ii meet up with him.
ii have to pretend to smile&be happy with life.
but the only reason ii could do it in front of him
is cos he's just beside me.
but back home.
my energy is all drained away.
ii know very well tt ii cant have him.
yet I'm so insane over him.
he stopped calling me those sweet names.
it hurts but ii still tried to continue a conversation.
he stopped being sweet to me.
tt makes me so afraid to lose him altogether.
who am ii lying to?
I'm going out of control.
maybe not eat for a few days
then eat all the med tt ii have at one go.
so if ever ii stop replying messages..
you all sld know what happen to me.
th tracy you all know..
doesn't have the courage to carry on living anymore.
but I've tried almost everything in life already.
so ii guess i could go away peacefully /=
ii guess ii owe the biggest sorry to ..
*for bringing me up*
*you're the one I'm insane over now, sorry for not being able to carry on
despite on how you're telling me to grow up but it's just not me*
*for always being there no matter what&what time,
we always seem to know when either of us are down
even without telling each other,
thanks for everything*
*for those irreplaceable memories,
those crazy times&ups and downs we share,
tt special bond we have*
*those secrets&problems we share*
*you know who you are, thanks for being there too*
every night,
I'd hear the songs I'd ask him to send to me,
listen to it till ii fall asleep.
when ii didn't ask him to send me,
he's auto send a song to me.
how i miss him but yet ..
ii don't know how to get close to him anymore.
why must ii always fall crazily in love
with someone whom ii cant get !?
WHY !?
ii cant stand it no more..
Sunday, February 8
ii had LOTSA FUN at ZOO today !! XDD
cabbed to amk mrt to meet ron.dearest first .
then took bus 138 from interchange to bandai zoo !
hees ^^
bought the 2-in-1 tix {x
so we're gonna go back there for night safari another day !!
super duper happy lurs !
hees ^^
we're at the zoo for like erm ..
4hrs+ ?
cos close at 6 & we only reached&bought the tix at like 1+ ?
but still IT'S FUN FUN FUNNNNNNN ! *grins*
watched the seal show *forgot the name of the show though* /=
hees ~
&tt might be one of the part i'd rmber besides all the laughter .
cos he held me by the waist to make sure ii dont fall cos we're like at the edge.
*aww ~
SWEET !! *okays, ii know i'm getting carried away here*
then sometimes when i'm too concentrated on looking at the animals
he's suddenly scare me or tickle me from behind ! *bites*
hahas XD
but i'm seriously thinking ..
what does he treat me as ?
a normal friend/close buddy ?
or something more ?
II WANNA KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!
but i'm afraid to ask .
much too afraid ..
&he's like so gentlemen lurs !!
taking my orders for food,
making sure nth happen to me,
holding me close when i'm about to fall,
always making sure i'm safetly on the cab
even though he have a sch gathering today.
those are like simple things most of my ex seem to have =.="
those tt have such things are maybe ..
1` Richard.S.YY *sweet&caring but works too much !! we'd always gonna breakup when he starts working*,
2` AhWee *he's one tt never complains but guess ii disturbed him at the wrong time /=*,
3` Jiahao *he's nice&all, hrmm .. ii can't seem to see anything wrong in him actually . LOL, but we just parted.. in fact ii dont even know when we're tgt, it's just tgt like SNAP . LOL*
* okays.. when did ii start talking bout my ex suddenly? =.=" *
back to zoo topic !!
so now i'm like looking forward to night safari with him ,! xD
*okays, i'm going insane.. dam !! when did ii become this crazy over a guy ?*
tsk tsk ~
why must ii be so freaking tall !?
if not at least ii wont feel tt scared to like/love a guy this much ..
hais ~
fuckk shit !!
hais ..
*shit.. ii think i'm gonna get depression .. =.=*
NONO !! cannot be negative !!
he's always asking me to grow up and be positive !!
hais ..
who the fuckk am ii kidding ..
if i'm positive ..
it's just aint me anymore ~
only around him then ii could smile like an innocent child .
but when back home ..
ii just have to push myself to smile and be positive
okays ..
idk what else to type ..
i'm like so into facebook games xD
wahahas ~
*&i'm gonna change my dressing on monday*
ii had LOTSA FUN at ZOO today !! XDD
cabbed to amk mrt to meet ron.dearest first .
then took bus 138 from interchange to bandai zoo !
hees ^^
bought the 2-in-1 tix {x
so we're gonna go back there for night safari another day !!
super duper happy lurs !
hees ^^
we're at the zoo for like erm ..
4hrs+ ?
cos close at 6 & we only reached&bought the tix at like 1+ ?
but still IT'S FUN FUN FUNNNNNNN ! *grins*
watched the seal show *forgot the name of the show though* /=
hees ~
&tt might be one of the part i'd rmber besides all the laughter .
cos he held me by the waist to make sure ii dont fall cos we're like at the edge.
*aww ~
SWEET !! *okays, ii know i'm getting carried away here*
then sometimes when i'm too concentrated on looking at the animals
he's suddenly scare me or tickle me from behind ! *bites*
hahas XD
but i'm seriously thinking ..
what does he treat me as ?
a normal friend/close buddy ?
or something more ?
II WANNA KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!
but i'm afraid to ask .
much too afraid ..
&he's like so gentlemen lurs !!
taking my orders for food,
making sure nth happen to me,
holding me close when i'm about to fall,
always making sure i'm safetly on the cab
even though he have a sch gathering today.
those are like simple things most of my ex seem to have =.="
those tt have such things are maybe ..
1` Richard.S.YY *sweet&caring but works too much !! we'd always gonna breakup when he starts working*,
2` AhWee *he's one tt never complains but guess ii disturbed him at the wrong time /=*,
3` Jiahao *he's nice&all, hrmm .. ii can't seem to see anything wrong in him actually . LOL, but we just parted.. in fact ii dont even know when we're tgt, it's just tgt like SNAP . LOL*
* okays.. when did ii start talking bout my ex suddenly? =.=" *
back to zoo topic !!
so now i'm like looking forward to night safari with him ,! xD
*okays, i'm going insane.. dam !! when did ii become this crazy over a guy ?*
tsk tsk ~
why must ii be so freaking tall !?
if not at least ii wont feel tt scared to like/love a guy this much ..
hais ~
fuckk shit !!
hais ..
*shit.. ii think i'm gonna get depression .. =.=*
NONO !! cannot be negative !!
he's always asking me to grow up and be positive !!
hais ..
who the fuckk am ii kidding ..
if i'm positive ..
it's just aint me anymore ~
only around him then ii could smile like an innocent child .
but when back home ..
ii just have to push myself to smile and be positive
okays ..
idk what else to type ..
i'm like so into facebook games xD
wahahas ~
*&i'm gonna change my dressing on monday*
i'm rotting at home th whole bloody day.
watching 'okto' the whole afternoon&evening =.=
reading "YAKUZA MOON" xD
it's only been like 2 hrs&i'm finishing th book already !!
now talking to arhbee on the phone,
talking bout the first time we met.
dam funny sia, rmber those days ~
few hrs time&i'd be going ZOO !! XD
hope my head doesn't drop out halfway ~
wonder how would tmr zoo go /=
&hope dearest rmber to ask his sis for camera x.X
arbo no photos =.=
*bummer !!
ii wanna try not going out for a month
then find a day to go out the whole day and spend without worry !!
now tt'd be a real fun and great day of pampering myself !! xD
wahahas ~
*arhbee says it's impossible for me* =.="
dam !!
i'm over the time tt i'm suppose to sleep ~
aiyars, i'll just make it up for it tmr ii guess =x
wahahas ~
bo bian, once ii talk on the phone with arhbee,
it's no stopping us from crapping till either one falls asleep !!
lalalas ~
watching 'okto' the whole afternoon&evening =.=
reading "YAKUZA MOON" xD
it's only been like 2 hrs&i'm finishing th book already !!
now talking to arhbee on the phone,
talking bout the first time we met.
dam funny sia, rmber those days ~
few hrs time&i'd be going ZOO !! XD
hope my head doesn't drop out halfway ~
wonder how would tmr zoo go /=
&hope dearest rmber to ask his sis for camera x.X
arbo no photos =.=
*bummer !!
ii wanna try not going out for a month
then find a day to go out the whole day and spend without worry !!
now tt'd be a real fun and great day of pampering myself !! xD
wahahas ~
*arhbee says it's impossible for me* =.="
dam !!
i'm over the time tt i'm suppose to sleep ~
aiyars, i'll just make it up for it tmr ii guess =x
wahahas ~
bo bian, once ii talk on the phone with arhbee,
it's no stopping us from crapping till either one falls asleep !!
lalalas ~
Friday, February 6
sorry peeps for not blogging so darn long =x
ii just discharged from hospital =.="
admitted in NUH for 5days *since monday*
had 2 op, tuesday&thursday
&now both my hand is bloody hell pain from the needles to poke the tube in
*RARRS !!*
thanks to ..
`lincolnDIDI&his friend
for visiting me,
sorry to those tt ii didnt tell,
dont wanna let you all travel around thus
only those tt got contact me those 5 days knows [=
sorry michBF ii couldn't make it on thursday.
but still .
hees ^^
hope i'd be good enough to go zoo this sunday )x
&guess ii just sorted out my whole thinking ..
ii wanna stay single !! =x
cos guess tt's the only way ii can protect myself from everything /=
heh ~
photos shall be up on th next post {x
sorry peeps for not blogging so darn long =x
ii just discharged from hospital =.="
admitted in NUH for 5days *since monday*
had 2 op, tuesday&thursday
&now both my hand is bloody hell pain from the needles to poke the tube in
*RARRS !!*
thanks to ..
`lincolnDIDI&his friend
for visiting me,
sorry to those tt ii didnt tell,
dont wanna let you all travel around thus
only those tt got contact me those 5 days knows [=
sorry michBF ii couldn't make it on thursday.
but still .
hees ^^
hope i'd be good enough to go zoo this sunday )x
&guess ii just sorted out my whole thinking ..
ii wanna stay single !! =x
cos guess tt's the only way ii can protect myself from everything /=
heh ~
photos shall be up on th next post {x
Monday, February 2
went jamming again with th band !! xD
YEA !! ^^v
&at last my bass is in good health again to be played !!
DOUBLE YEA !! ^_________________^
but the A string abit soft leis =.="
but all was great&fun ! xD
went to eat with the band after tt
cos last min photoshoots cancelled.
gonna have it on thurs instead before going michBF's bf's hse .
for Lovelle's 1st year old b'dea !! XDD
not gonna for op anymore,
mummy trying a chinese med on me =.="
Zz ~
fri going to airport with jiji instead,
then jamming on sat after work at 7
then sat is ZOO with ron.dearest !! xD
TRIPLE YEA !! ^___________________________^V
ron.dearest is always chasing me to sleep early
since he know how serious my sick is )x
ii wanna be awake till he sleeps but bo bian,
he ask me to sleep then must guai guai bahs ~
lalalas ..
SHIIT !! why ii listen to him so much !? =.=
Zz ~
ahhhhhhhhhhh !
miss him lurs =x
oops ~
&hope all the girls turn up on thurs {=
then we could take a group photo again !! (=
*claps like a small lil alien turtle* LOL
kies ~
time's almost up ..
gonna turn in for the night again )x
lalalas ~
YEA !! ^^v
&at last my bass is in good health again to be played !!
DOUBLE YEA !! ^_________________^
but the A string abit soft leis =.="
but all was great&fun ! xD
went to eat with the band after tt
cos last min photoshoots cancelled.
gonna have it on thurs instead before going michBF's bf's hse .
for Lovelle's 1st year old b'dea !! XDD
not gonna for op anymore,
mummy trying a chinese med on me =.="
Zz ~
fri going to airport with jiji instead,
then jamming on sat after work at 7
then sat is ZOO with ron.dearest !! xD
TRIPLE YEA !! ^___________________________^V
ron.dearest is always chasing me to sleep early
since he know how serious my sick is )x
ii wanna be awake till he sleeps but bo bian,
he ask me to sleep then must guai guai bahs ~
lalalas ..
SHIIT !! why ii listen to him so much !? =.=
Zz ~
ahhhhhhhhhhh !
miss him lurs =x
oops ~
&hope all the girls turn up on thurs {=
then we could take a group photo again !! (=
*claps like a small lil alien turtle* LOL
kies ~
time's almost up ..
gonna turn in for the night again )x
lalalas ~
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