Monday, December 21
Monday, November 16
it's all over.
thanks to me being so unfaithful the first ever in my love life.
sorry my piggie dearest.
ii didnt mean to.
but it's too late and i cldnt have avoid it i suppose.
memories stay but letting go is another thing.
i'd rmber you for life cos memories stay.
letting you go or sld i say you letting me go is of no choice.
i know i've hurt you deeply.
i know i've done wrong.
you trusted me and gave me my freedom
yet i betrayed you.
gomen ne ~
&for the last time.. ily.
Wednesday, November 4
went sch as usual but didnt even bother doing my project as ii was too tired to even move
jasmine tt naughty girl skipped afternoon class and came my sch to find me XD
hahas, was drenched in the dam heavy rain after afternoon lesson ended -.-
went to NorthPoint NewWing toilet to dry my fringe *it's the most impt to me*
was so darn cold all the way *everyone gt a change of clothes except me cos they all gt bring extra*
kennyDI finally reached yishunMRT then went to the library,
supposed to do proj but ended up playing DJmax on di's psp =x
trained to doverMRT then changed to shutter bus to NUH .
went to mama's shop there de Indonesia restaurant to have dinner with Mr.Boon&kor
then do some stuffs before his chauffeur send kor&me home
around 10+ michBF came my hse
ton-ed at my hse for the night.
ordered mac delivery at 12+ am xD
*HUGGS to silly michBF&rmber ily [x*
started preparing at 650am then called kennyDI wakeup at 7
continued preparing but ended up thinking ii go 10am lesson instead
cos my silly michBF was sleeping so soundly ii just had to let her rest more [x
read newspaper but ended up sleeping too ~
ended up taking an unofficial offday from sch ! hahas
accompanied bf back to her hse,
talked/ sleep/ play with lovelle/ took photos of lovelle/ huggs
yutingMyLady&pearlBBMEIMEII came at night [x
had girls talk and stuffs till 1115pm like tt then went home x33
*Bf: rmber no matter what Love&we girls are still here with you, we still love you no matter what
you cry then ii cry with you then how ? LOL x33
*MyLady: dont think too much&whatever happens, we're always here for you to find comfort in.
there'll always be a way somehow @.@ heh x33
*BBMeimeii: you this silly BBMeimeii, rest more&drink more water alrights ? haiyohs, you uhhs ~
health comes first so better tc kies !? arbo ii emo how ? x33
*Gf: idk how's life going on for you now but just say anything in the LSB whenever you feel there's no where
to turn to kies ? i'm always checking for updates there but sadly there isn't D: x33
Sunday, November 1
met up with dearestDIDI at doverMRT then headed down to bugis
went to book room for topone first then went for sheesha ! xD
it's been ages since ii last went uhhs @.@
sibei HIGHHHHHHH uhhs ! *grins*
*now ii feel like sheesha-ing* D:
next stop TOPONE !! *yeah-ness*
we gt the couple room but no other rooms available at tt time ~
so just take it, better than waiting right !?
while didi went to the toilet ii just realized tt there's a heart shape at the back of us lors !!
&this didi came in and pose while ii took the heart shape ~
we didnt get to sing finish when the place closed D:
*&we already choose the songs from the starting*
didi was sleeping the last 30mins+ or so till closing time *RARRS !*
but my eyes was closing too ~
then went to mac to buy korkorr his macdonald breakfast !! *yawns ~
mrt-ed home&we overslept till pioneer !! =x
then u-turned home .
NAHS ! silly.didi posing so shuang uhhs ~

Friday, October 30
Thursday, October 29
*thanks to dearest for fetching me around these days*
*thanks to those tt wished me*
*advance thanks to kenny.di to accompany me tmr*
*advance thanks to p-chan on booking me on sat night though idk what you plan yet*
dearest fetched me from sch&ii was with him ever since till he send me back home on 29OCT 2:51am
fetched wayneGF first at her sch then michBF opposite her hse
&then we're rotting at SP next while waiting for yutingMyLady/fiance xD
she's late for 27mins&dunno how many secs =x *we still love you&we know it isnt your fault* [x
lastly pearlBBmeimeii at tiong xD
&we're on our way to YISHUN *wow ! back to sch yo ! hahas, no la*
yishun for ramen !!
bf&MyLady ate different stuffs but it still seems so appetizing D:
hahas ~
dearest went to withdraw money first so we girls were talking away while eating,
finally dearest's back and you sld be glad to have all my ladies around you lors ~
hahas, xing fu uhhs *grins*
&those cheeky girls said they wanna go withdraw money and came back with..
CAKIIE&lingerie from each of them *faints*
MyLady's the most cheeky one among them all *seriously idk how to use uhhs*
hahas, maybe you girls sld show it to me instead *winks*
dearest's friends reached too !
&ii was finding the present they gave SUPER familiar lurs ~
but really.. thanks ! {x
then we're like having photo taking session lors !
must post here&there *faints*
&we're off to Henderson wave !! xD
had heart-heart talks with us girls and of cos PHOTOS !
didnt get to be with dearest tt much but really appreciate it tt he's so patient ~
was dead tired when ii reached home but still didnt sleep till 4+ nearing 5am
hahas, was chatting with bbmeimeii online @.@
hees ~
next post wld be on the actual day after 29oct have past kies [x
Wednesday, October 28
*MyLady, yes yes ii know i've reached home way earlier but hehe...*
had a lil tiff with him cos ii said maybe i'd be in sch uni
then he said it's your bdea le all those things
then started to 'quarrel' a lil then he kup my phone cos ii kept quiet..
idk la ..
wished di cld be awake now to pei me talk D:
&ii needa start preparing at 6+ -.-
FK ! later BAO become PANDA de uhhs ~
think mostly gonna just sleep in class and ask gerald.di to help me do my project =x
* yawns *
wanna sleep but no mood to sleep, how how ?
hais ~
anyways dearest rented a car so he picked me up at NUH just now then go eat
then drive till bedok there just to pump petrol -.-
then pick MyLady up from cck *far siol !*
then went mustafa *ii know ii know, sot sot right ?*
then to holland V&the last place is henderson wave there but we're right at the top
didnt know how to go to the wave place so just sit there talktalk [x
*sorry dearest for 'throwing' you to a corner* @.@
heh ~
okays.. alien land is calling for me..
just hope ii can wakeup later xD
wahahahas ~
Friday, October 23
i'm fearing for the worse..
ii wont blog it out now till the results are confirm /=
been moodless the whole of today and sudden breakdown at diff times.
nobody knows yet except for dearest&kennyDI,
sorry ii cldnt tell you girls yet *you know who you are*
ii just somehow feel i'd be a burden and depend on your too much if ii told you all.
gomen ne ~
i'd let your be the first to know when the time comes k ?
might be canceling the clubbing next week..
if it's bad then i'm just stay home all the way..
at least later it's the last day of sch so ii dont needa be so exhausted from putting a dam smile -.-
why cant ii just show my true self ehhs ?
ii dont even have the mood to sleep now..
feel like drinking but ii dont have any mixers to go with black label @.@
wth !
&ii hate drinking pure so it's outta the question D:
papa came to the hospital again but we didnt really talk..
it suddenly seems so weird seeing him..
last time i'd yearn to see him and not feel the least awkward around him,
but now it's like total strangers.
though i do still yearn a lil for his care *if he even bothers bout kor&me*
kor seems to know everything bout this family and idk a thing..
why ?
aint ii old enough to know it too ?
or does mama plan to never let me know and slowly let kor spill the beans ?
hais ~
ii aint wanted anywhere so why am ii here ?
i'm dumb, stupid, useless and a burden to others..
so why ..
why do ii still wish someone would think of me as special when ii know it's impossible ?
i'm always doing everything wrong..
everyone always seem to say tt since young so i'm kinda immune to it..
but why is there a lil yearning tt one day there'd be someone telling me it's not my fault, it's not my wrong ?
stop dreaming !!
it'd never happen..
not in this life..
not in the next or the next after either..
Sunday, October 18
my dream and what korkorr just told me made me moodless lurs D:
korkorr told me papa went to the hospital to see mama ..
ii wanna see papa too !
ever since the day papa stopped answering our calls i've been soooo sensitive to the word papa/dad/father.
papa.. doko ni iru no ?
&ii dream tt pchan suddenly ignored me then out of no where his aunt sms me not to contact him o.O!?
ii wokeup after tt dream with my heart breaking fast and almost cried.
lucky it's not dearest if not i'd wakeup breaking down D:
for now mama's still in hospital,
ytd dunno part or what of her bone marrow was taken out..
dunno why also /=
everything seems like it's gonna fall apart soon ..
ii wanna see dearest lurs !! *cries*
i've been hearing "nothing's gonna change my love for you"
ii know it's been what seems like ages since ii last updated here.
more often on 'onsugar' but think i'm gonna update both.
cos it's sooooooo much easier to load photos here especially now the toolbar is back !
second sem have started and my gpa is 3 for now.
still not at my min target of 3.5 but ohwell ..
must JYJY !! *grins*
started clubbing again since BBmeimeii have turned 18 *xoxo*
now i'm gonna be addicted to clubbing again soon D:
&mama's in hospital since tues *sigh ~
wonder wth the docs are doing yo ! _l_
till now they cant find the real cause *wtf seriously !*
dearest isnt replying my sms ! T_T
now this is really making me paranoid !!
fk shit !!
and it's already after 4am !!
fk !!
now ii feel like drinking th rest of the dam black label *resist yo resist !!*
okays, i'm going crazy here -.-
Friday, September 25
Tuesday, August 18
yesyes, as you can see ~
i'm seriously DEADtired @.@
imagine sleeping for 1+ hr then waking up for sch
&the first thing you do when you reach sch is run 3 rounds then basketball
after tt finished with my first project [x
then went to eat breakfast/lunch which is like smaller than my normal portion
12 went to gym&work out for 1hr before going for class for another coming to an hr
then went to find the sw teacher again as the gym wasnt open *yes, wanted to go gym again after sch*
then in the end went to the hall&ii just slacked there while the guys playeed around x.x
then washed up&FK SHYT it rained @.@
thus took out my sw shirt and we all ran to the HDB to take bus for 2 whole rounds before reaching opp yishun mrt.
rushed down to plaza sing there to meet bbmeimeii <33
was shopping around for stuffs where we cld put tgt for MyLady's B'dea which we were meeting her later in the night just now.
then at 7+ rushed to cck to meet her [x
not gonna go into details cos i'm like super tired now x.x
&i've still yet to bath *RARRS !*
doubt i'd be able to sleep much today either due to technical maths test tmr x.x
which ii have to freaking revise the WHOLE book *faints*
some more i'm gonna go gym&play basketball again with the guys after sch *SCREECHHHHHHH ~
Friday, August 14
lil.alien turtle is being sexually harassed on the 12aug !
ii was on bus 14 from town to go home,
then one stop after ii gt on then got this guy sat behind me then suddenly tapped me on my shoulder.
cos ii was listening to ipod so he was asking if the bus got go to clementi so ii say yupps&turn back and continue listening to my music .
then he tapped me again saying thanks then introduced his name then he asked me for mine,
then shake hands.
then ask me if i'm local or what ? working or what ?
so i'm like i'm local but mixed blood & i'm in ite
then he suddenly ask if can sit next to me ii was like HUH !?
then ii hurry say ii always sit alone de cos ii like taking up both seats xD
then he say oh sorry ~
so he suddenly sat infront of me instead, then sayed tt he didnt realise ii was in ITE cos of the way ii wear my uniform ~
then he suddenly say bout my skirt very short then he even fking hell asked if can see how short *&he almost lifted my bag before ii answered him but luckily ii hurry force my bag down*
then he continued asking why ii make so short then say the way ii wear is nice and stuff ~
at this point my friend called me *thankgodman !!*
but it was only for a short while then ii continued by sms-ing my friend,
then while ii sms-ing tt fker suddenly came to sit beside me *fking feel so uncomfortable lurs !!*
then he even pass me a small paper with his msn and number then ii hurry say sorry ii cant contact guys .
then all the while he keep shaking my hand *fking despo sexual harressment fker*
=x sorry for the vulgarities x.x
thanks to tt fker, i'm having a fking phobia to take bus alone at town area _l_
FML !!
Wednesday, August 12
Tuesday, August 11
idk if he&i are still tgt or not,
cos he did msg me intending to breakup thus i switched off my phone straight away,
after an hr plus ii switched it back on&he was still calling,
cos he was calling my phone non-sop when ii off my phone
*he went to msn to find me but ii didnt reply him*
then we talked lotsa things but thing is..
he didnt say if he's taking his breakup back or not /=
but since everything seems as per normal then does it mean tt we're still tgt ?
&lincolnDIDI is stress and down,
he keeps saying he feel like dying cos he sees no reason in life now,
thus ii saw didi cried infront of me again T__T
hais ~
this brother uhhs, idk how to comfort him.
okay, i always dont know how to comfort another person
thus all i could do is listen *sigh ~
Sunday, August 9
Wednesday, August 5
blogger still dont have the toolbar section -_-
ii wanna post new photos !! *curses*
&mykorkor *real bro* started watching labixiaoxing *faints*
i'm dead bored for now&fking hell sleepy *yawns*
working at TM@FreshFrofusion lvl4 on weekdays [x
so anyone feel soooooooo free then just popby to disturb,
ii seriously wont mind *grins*
and my hair is growing super slow *CRIES*
i'm supposed to go gym but i'm lazy since ii just woke up @.@
Wednesday, July 29
hahas, sorry to those tt got captured with my lappy's webcam xP
kaboo-ie ppl ~
sorry for not updating x.x
now at Bishan Mac with AK.actSHY aka Jasmine *grins*
while waiting for sister number.3 ^^v
hahas ~
&a shocking news to all ~
ii got a new bf -_-
fast right !?
dont ask me why cos hahas ii also gt no answer to this question xP
wokays, so i've been going to sch&going out with my AKgroup xD
hahas ~
or either he bring me go out on bike bike *grinns*
bored now /=
still thinking if ii wanna go for his friend's chalet later or not *yawns*
ohs&&he's like older than me by 7yrs x.x
hahahas ~
okays ~
lazy type liaos x.x
and my lappy's batt is dying soon so ii shall blog again once ii got a lil bit of mood =x
Tuesday, July 21
Friday, July 17
so gonna find a fking job asap and save money&move out of this fking hse !!
*RARRS !!*
nbcb !
since ii was never wanted anyway,
since i'm always the fking blacksheep in the family,
since i'm only causing trouble&stress to you,
since i'm making you lose your fking face !
since i'm sucha burden then i shall grant your fking wish soon !
i rather hate this fking family than make myself sad cos it's broken since the beginning ~
*wokays, ii know alot of fk word for this post but no choice ~
*i'm fking pissed that ii feel like leaving this dam hse yet AGAIN !!*
Tuesday, July 14
Saturday, July 11
Friday, July 10
met up with Jasmine after sch at AMK for the first time ^^
nice girl but .. SMILE MORE GIRL !! {x
hees ~
idk why but ii think ii keep talking tt day,
or sld ii say i'm trying to wrack my brain to find topic *faints*
till 6+ then send her off to mrt first&home ii go too ~
met pearlBBmeimeii; reginA.iren; wayneGF, Yuki after sch to eat ramen at yishun xD
*so it's like my sch area ^^v*
GF came to fetch me first from sch *aww ~ i'm touched xD*
hees ~
then went to the foodmart to wait for the rest to reach,
Yuki was the first to reach ! {x yea yea ~
then Airen next but while going to the bus int to meet up with her guess what !?
saw vinvinKORKORR !! xD
korkorr was sickiie )x *takecare uhhs korkorr ~
so 5 of us went outside to smoke first while waiting for BBmeimeii @.@ =x
*GF&me at the side; non smokers ya know !? LOL*
&BBmeimeii finally reached !! ^^ then korkorr left lurs ~
went to the Japanese Foodcourt for the ramen
took photos first before ordering *&ii was dam hell hungry at tt time already* @.@
had a hard time deciding what to order and went for the char siew ramen in the end xD
ii thought it was gonna be those kinda char siew you always see at chicken rice store
tt's why ii hesitated to order but after seeing the first bowl ii straight away order x.x
BBmeimeii; GF&me ordered the same, Airen ordered the mixed one, Yuki didnt order ramen ):
&the ramen is OISHII !!
cam-whore again after eating *it's like a MUST each time we meet* XD
then slacked at mac&continued to cam-whore then send GF off first
went to foodmart to slack then went to find airen's friends
BBmeimeii&me went off tgt after tt {x
work for bbmeimeii&hm for me
met up with Jasmine&PearlBBmeimeii at Bishan mrt after sch {x
was supposed to meet Effy, Regina, Yuki, Yuting too but all didnt turn up *of cos with reasons*
only WayneGF came to meet us ^^
ate at KFC first then up Up UP to lvl9 {x
love tt place cos of the music XD
then went LJS slack while waiting for Shaan*sister no.3* =x
went to YP there to talk and something happened *phone call*
you girls&shaan&ii know can liaos ~
then send GF off first then send Jasmine off {x
BBmeimeii, Shaan&me went to OrchardCentral to slack at the sofas there till 1030
then home we go {x
stayed home&anime *skipped sch*
was freaking pissed off the whole day !!!!!!!!!!!
skipped sch again and i'm gonna start preparing to go yishun for ramen again xD
woohooooooooo ~

ii told her tt papa stopped picking up our calls already&he'd only pick up when ii use the hse phone
but once ii say hello then all would be quiet&after a few secs.. connection wld be disconnected ..
ii cldnt look at mummy after telling her tt cos my eyes started being teary,
ii miss papa ~
ii want papa back, ii havent even seen him this yr !!
why must papa abandon us behind ?
ii keep rmbering mummy telling me papa only bought b'dea cake for me once,
but tt was cos she asked him to ~
tt time ii was 3yrs old, infact ..
ii dont think ii even have any photos taken with papa inside,
but korkorr have so much ~
does papa dislike me so much ? what did i do ?
after 3yrs old, papa left for cambodia ~
only coming back when ii reached 7yrs old but tt was when ii saw this man walking when ii end sch
ii straight away called him papa !
for yrs in pri sch ii keep asking mama why papa isnt living with us ~
mama always avoided the question ..
ii only knew bout the whole family when ii was 17yrs old&tt's cos korkorr told me
he didnt know tt ii know nuts bout the family.
ii had no idea at all ~
being kept in the dark, it just seems like mama doesnt intend to let me know anything.
ii know lotsa grieve inside mama cos ii started reading her diary since pri sch,
it was a moment of curiosity tt made me feel the aches in her heart,
the weight on her tt she had to live with for the sake of us her children.
but yet i'd be so darn lazy to help her at times&turning a deaf ear to her ~
now ii just wanna find out more ~
why papa seem to hate me ?
why papa's avoiding us ?
why papa cld just have another family so easily ?
why papa wont buy any cakey for me on my b'dea ?
why ?
papa, Doko ni iru no?
Sunday, July 5
tt makes it twice in a week but i'm still gonna complain tt ii want more time with my girls !!
oOps ~
okays, first up, the zhilian me la ! arbo then !? LOL

here comes the PearlBaobeiimeii&jiee of how many years !? hrmm ~
5yrs&counting xD *ii can never forget how we once 'hated' each other*

here's Yuting.MyLady&me; MyLady,Boyfriend&me; WayneGirlfriend&me ^^

and here's Mich.Boyfriend&me xD
*we 'hated' each other too till sec4 then we just somehow clicked !*
&now we're the Boyfriends ^^

now here's ..
Airen&me; PearlBaobeiimeii,Boyfriend&me; Yuki&me xD

okays, i'm lazy to type so ownself figure out who's who =x
i've already name them all on the top xD

soooooooooo ~
to all you girls..
wahahahs xD
ILYall x33
&rmber, whatever ups&downs we're gonna face through the remaining path of our lifes,
we're still connected through our hearts,
do not hesitate to find a shoulder/listening ear from any of us kies ?
* everybody agree o.O? *
Thursday, July 2
yutingMyLady cldn't make it due to exams )x *dont sad kies*
we shall plan for another outing at sentosa soon ! xD
photos shall be uploaded asap once ii edit it x.x
but not all though, all of it is on fb so anyone wanna see add me there yo !
thanks to benedictSISTER, michBF, pearlBBMEIMEII, reginaAIREN, wayneGF, yuki&zxKOR
for making it ytd ~
&thank heavens tt it wasnt raining when we reached there x.x
woohoo ~
sakae after tt *michBF&wayneGF left before tt*
&OMFG la ! i ate so much the whole day ~
but who the hell cares when you're having fun yupps !? XD
chat&webcam with DUMB STUPID IDIOT XIAO WAI on msn,
then started talking on the phone with him at around 4+ ii think till 7am then we went to slp x.x
sch's gonna start next week soooooooooooooo ~
i'm left with only 3 more days to sch @.@
&i'm into anime again and watching it on
girl's meet up on SAT !! those who can make it pls contacts one another kies ?
&ii have one good news today on msn,
my sec sch partner is NOW BACK IN S'PORE TILL 24th !! *yeaness ~*
which is none other then Dawn !! {x
been chatting with richard, xiaowai&ernest on msn these few days ever since my korkorr
let me use the laptop for all ii want XD
tt explains it if any of you see me online on msn till next morning ~
wahahahahas ~
i'm still thinking where to do my photoshoots&what to wear x.x
any suggestions anyone ?
if your are asking how's my bf and me,
we're still tgt but due to something, ii somehow seem to start avoiding him.
my girls sld know *MyLady, will tell ya on sat*
dont ask me what happen cos i'd auto tell those if need be.
ohs !
and lastly, i'm crazy over Super Junior !!
cos there's one guy inside tt look&reminds me so much of Fated x.x
he's the most charming guy ii ever knew ~
you dont get much guys in s'pore kneeing down and kissing your hand at the old MOS just cos he's gonna join back with his friends,
and we used to be so close tt time, talking everynight till around 6-8 am which is when i'd fall asleep,
or how bout the time he came all the way outside my hse just to console me after a breakup with my ex ?
the rarity of this kinda guy is like close to extinction x.x
here ~
see this mv..
he'd appear around 1:12-1:15
Monday, June 15
holidays for me now for 3WEEKS !! ^^v
let me start updating for last week before ii forget most of the things x.x
last week was all my phrase test which ii think i'm gonna score well *grins*
met up with qiqimei&junhao first at fareast cos meimeii went shopping
&guess what ?
ii bought a platform shoe @.@
making me so much taller than them than ii already am /=
wahahahas ~
then took cab to mummy's shop there to leave with her my sch uni&kor's shoe =x
then cab to luckyplaza to wait for the rest of junhao's friends.
heh ~
went to pool there at lvl6 then soon after,
pearl.bbmeimeii reached xD
wahahahas ~
then later is deardearr's turn to reach {x
less than 30mins &qiqimeii, pearl.bbmeimeii, deardearr&me left
to meet qiqi's so called bf at fareast .
pearl.bbmeimeii bought my maomaoo buckle back for me !!
ii was so darn happy inside but ii just dont know how to express it out )x
then qiqi&her 'bf' left so we headed to cine
&my 'mummy' tt use to work at the arcade resigned already !! T.T
no wonder ii didnt see her the previous time ii went there to check )x
went to foodcourt after tt to slack then send dear off first
then bbmeimeii&me walked to plaza sing there and parted {x
supposed to go sch but by the time ii reached yishun,
class was already over x.x
so just met up with botak to pass him his thumbdrive then ii walked around
northpoint alone while waiting for deardearr to reach .
then mrt to my hse area and waited for pearlbbmeimeii&sebasKOR to reach {x
then all came up my hse first,
slacked till 5+ then took bus 14 go town XD
went to taka to have our meals first {x
all took TORI-Q SET A ^^v
wahahahahas ~
after tt headed to orchardcentral *the halfway build building with nice interiors*
slacked at lvl8 HEAVEN {x
then went to lvl1 sofas there to slack till 10+
then headed home {x
even the security guard there is very polite&nice lors !! xD
supposed to meet melGF at 630 but heiheiii ~
ii was late by 1hr =x
met melGF at cine first then headed to fareast to buy her top
then headed to bugis to find vinKOR&group
slacked there till 10+ then took bus to the pub
deardearr left after ii board the bus as he isn't coming along.
celebrated vinKOR's b'dea *guess he already knockout tt night* =x
tackeyMUMMY sms-ed me where ii am cos he on car with samuel {x
they came to pick me up&melGF followed along ^^
went to hajilane to sheesha first for 1hr + then went back to the car
went to gaylang to see got any nice QI there for the fun of it =x
ahas ~
by tt time not much lurs but it's the first for melGF xD
hahas ~
cute sia she, LOL
next stop~
*this part taken from melGF's blog cos more detailed with abit of edit*
Qing Ren Qiao.
Went there to look look and when we stepped outta that place, TAILGATE!
Its pure gang-bang. 5 cars, all modified and shit, surrounded us. WTF!
Lucky Sam was smart enough and SIAM.
How? Made a left turn before traffic light when those stupid cars stopped.
How the hell is he gonna play with so many ppl in the car.
For that 1 minute, melGF&ii were practically flying around the back seat.
it's nice&EXCITING!
then next stop ~
town area !!
but nth /=
so next stop, yishun dam which we had to take a super long way cos the undertunnel was blocked x.x
but by the time we reached yishun, not much cars lurs
only alot of bikers )x
so home sweet home we go ~~~~~~~~~~~
deardearr came my hse in the late afternoon
watched 'Young&Dangerous* at living room
whole day slacking at home
okays ~
i'm getting lazy again =x
wahahahas ~
the lil alien turtle is sick so ........
Monday, June 8
it's alright cos teacher keep coming to my table to help me xD
wahahahs ~
even corrected me *more like make me confuse as ii was correct*
but the end answer he told me then ii corrected it =x
tmr the 2 theory test is gonna KILL MEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!
fuckk shit !!
D.E got 5chapters to know everything and
E.E.P is chap2 and a long long chap6
lalalas ~
i'm gonna have 3 weeks of holiday after this week ^^v
gonna go to jurong swimming complex frequently to lose weight&have fun !! xD
wahahahas ~